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Classmates In California: 59
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Newest Members
Arthur Baker
Gary Beckerman
Mel Bircoll
Judith Boesky (Lawson)
Robert Brown
Donnie Castleman
Marilyn Chase (Salle)
Brenda Cohen (Kershenbaum)
Janice (Jan) Columpus (Gott…)
Sherwin Conway
Martin Cooper
Alan Croll
Joel Daskal
Judith Doner (Berne)
Dennis Dubrow
Jacqueline Efrusy (Henderson)
Ivan Faggen
William Fredrick
Linda Friedlander (Schwarz)
Rochelle Gantz (Shapiro)
Myron (Mike) Gittleman
Sidney Goldman
Bernie Golds
Murray Gould
Suzanne Green (James)
Donna Hammerstein (Buch)
Robert Israel
Mary Joelson (Greenberg)
Michael Kamen
Sandra Katcher (Salinger)
Darryl Katz
Sandra Katz (Green)
Lois Klein (Nevius)
David Kron
Sandra Leemon (Woolf)
Phyllis Levenstein (Rothman)
Connie Lewis (Lapin)
Stephen Losh
John Malmanis
Shelby Miller
Mitchell Millman
Anita Mintz (Higer)
Pearl Mirkin (Seidman)
Geraldine Salle (Hochberg)
Joel Schechter
Sandra Sellers (Blodgett)
Howard Shapiro
Fredric Shulak
Marc Silber
Robert Sklar
Annette Spinner (Cohen)
Robert Tanner
Gordon Walters
Stuart Weingarden
Geraldine Weissman (Spira)
Gerald Weitzman
Bernard Wexler
Sheila Woll (Swartz)
Barbara Zimmelman (Moy)